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Your search for Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Manse returned 10 entries.

Early Days in Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Photo Images

Historic Cemeteries of South York Region

Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Manse
1  Richmond Hill Photo Images: and his family in front of the Presbyterian manse. On the left is Mrs. Grant's sister Hedley
2  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Presbyterian Church and manse, with Reverend W. Webb Percival, his
3  Richmond Hill Photo Images: pictured in front of the Presbyterian manse. Grant ministered to the Richmond
4  Richmond Hill Photo Images: the Presbyterian Church. The old Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Manse is visible in the foreground. Photo taken
5  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Church on the left, the Presbyterian Manse, and Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church.
6  Richmond Hill Photo Images: The old Presbyterian Church Manse with 82 Yonge St. South to the
7  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Drive for a Presbyterian church, manse, cemetery, and public school. Sometime
8  Early Days in Richmond Hill: plot not used for church building, manse, woodshed, driving shed, and stable were initially
9  Early Days in Richmond Hill: E. Caldwell. Presbyterian Church and manse, with Reverend W. Webb Percival, his
10  Early Days in Richmond Hill: in front of the Presbyterian manse. Grant ministered to the Richmond Hill

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