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Your search for Stewart, Hugh returned 11 entries.

Early Days in Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Photo Images

Historic Cemeteries of South York Region

Stewart, Hugh
1  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Gapper, David Bridgeford, and Hugh Stewart "delivered speeches abusing [me] in very
2  Early Days in Richmond Hill: four o'clock in the afternoon, Captain Hugh Stewart stood near the front door of Crew's
3  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Moodie on his ride to Toronto. Hugh Stewart also offered to go. South of Thornhill,
4  Early Days in Richmond Hill: made a dash at them and passed them," Stewart later told an inquiry eager to hear every
5  Early Days in Richmond Hill: shots. Moodie fell on the neck of Stewart's horse. "I'm shot. I'm a dead man," he gasped.
6  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Stewart helped Moodie regain his saddle, but the
7  Early Days in Richmond Hill: me, going towards Richmond Hill," Stewart recounted. "It immediately occurred to me
8  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Stewart and Crew rallied village loyalists, the
9  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Levendale. Photo by Mary-Lou Griffin Stewart found the Colonel and his family safe
10  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Richard Gapper, Robert Moodie, Hugh Stewart, David Bridgeford, and William Crew.
11  Early Days in Richmond Hill: District in the chair, and members like Hugh Stewart, Richard Gapper, and Edward O'Brien

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