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Your search for York County returned 12 entries.

Early Days in Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Photo Images

Historic Cemeteries of South York Region

York County
1  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Railway. Awarded a franchise by the County of York in 1892 and incorporated by provincial
2  Early Days in Richmond Hill: and travel north through the highlands of York County. Starting at the CPR crossing in North
3  Early Days in Richmond Hill: along the line mounted strong protests and York County council hired engineering consultants to
4  Early Days in Richmond Hill: elementary schools throughout much of York County. Teenagers from both town and country then
5  Early Days in Richmond Hill: a redistribution of seats, three of York County's four one-member ridings elected Reformers.
6  Early Days in Richmond Hill: wait for their friends and supporters among York County farmers to march down Yonge Street and
7  Early Days in Richmond Hill: O'Brien, leading member of the York County Tory aristocracy in the years before the
8  Early Days in Richmond Hill: on record as the representative body of York County farmers and landowners.
9  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Hill as the ideal community of York County. The high elevation, he wrote, offered a
10  Early Days in Richmond Hill: civic identities as townships within the York County and Upper Canadian municipal system,
11  Early Days in Richmond Hill: other agricultural implements owned by York County farmers. "It was certainly the finest display
12  Early Days in Richmond Hill: clerk of the Third Division Court of the County of York, and an active member of several fraternal

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