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Your search for Miles, James returned 22 entries.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Author's Preface
1 The Road through Richmond Hill
2 First Peoples on the Land
3 The European Settlers Arrive
4 From Miles' Hill to Richmond Hill: The Birth of a Community
5 Tories and Reformers
6 Stagecoach Lines and Railway Tracks
7 The Neighbours at Mid-Century
8 Fire Brigades and Fence Viewers
9 Picture Post Card Village of the 1880s and 1890s
10 Rails through Richmond Hill
11 The Flowering of Richmond Hill
12 The Village Transformed
Table of Illustrations
Miles, James
1   Graham. It stood on the site donated by James Miles a century earlier, and has been in continual
2   the father-and-son duo of Abner and James Miles, who did so much to shape the infant
3   Abner's twenty-six-year-old son, James Miles, inherited his father's lands and business
4  James Miles built a substantial, two-storey,
5   emerging hamlet, described a visit to James Miles' house in 1830. "We found him with dinner
6  Miles seems to have been well liked by all.
7  Miles became affectionately known as "The Squire,"
8   classes at Miles' Hill were held in a log settlement house on
9  Miles usually possessed "a very even temper,"
10  Miles died in 1844, at age sixty-four, after
11   for his family - wife, Mercy, son, James, and daughters Hannah, Lucy, Elizabeth,
12  James Miles is so far from liking to show off his
13   Bridgeford, John Langstaff and James Miles, had put down their arms and returned to the
14   company. Arnold's brother-in-law, James Miles, was lieutenant and second-in-command.
15   Hill Presbyterian Church, erected in 1821. James Miles changed all that. Whether attempting to
16  Miles' most important religious contribution came in
17   a clearing in a grove of pine trees on James Miles' property on the west side of Yonge
18   belated payment for the property after Miles' death in 1844. The land was purchased from
19   new label - Richmond Hill. Perhaps James Miles had done something to alienate
20   of early leaders like Abner and James Miles, William Jenkins, and Benjamin Barnard
21   Miles' Hill may have evolved from James Miles' first Sunday School of 1811, or it may even
22  James Miles and the Stolen

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