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Your search for Elgin Mills Road returned 14 entries.

Early Days in Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Photo Images

Historic Cemeteries of South York Region

Elgin Mills Road
1  Richmond Hill Photo Images: Yonge Street, looking north from Elgin Mills Road, in the 1920s.
2  Early Days in Richmond Hill: along both sides of the highway. Yet the Elgin Mills Road intersection reminds us that Elgin Mills
3  Early Days in Richmond Hill: developed as an industrial area between Elgin Mills Road and Major Mackenzie
4  Early Days in Richmond Hill: the building was moved to Richmond Green (Elgin Mills Road and Leslie Street), where today it
5  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Tournament. June 9 Legion Centennial Day (Elgin Mills and Newkirk) featuring parade, Highland
6  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Major Mackenzie Drive and Elgin Mills Road. Archaeologists suggest that this camp site
7  Early Days in Richmond Hill: lies east of Leslie Street between Elgin Mills Road and 19th Avenue, on the property
8  Early Days in Richmond Hill: A.D. On the west side of town, from Elgin Mills Road north to beyond Gamble Road,
9  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Major Mackenzie Drive and Elgin Mills Road lagged
10  Early Days in Richmond Hill: of Yonge Street from present-day Elgin Mills Road north to Stouffville Road.
11  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Major Mackenzie Drive and Elgin Mills Road had a new name - Richmond Hill. That
12  Early Days in Richmond Hill: corner of Yonge Street and Elgin Mills Road. We do not know whether he spent every
13  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Yonge Street, looking north from Elgin Mills Road, in the
14  Early Days in Richmond Hill: Drive) north to Lot 52 (beyond Elgin Mills Road), and from the second concession of

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