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  Durie (5)

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Sacred to the memory of
the beloved wife of
William Durie Esqr. K.H.
late Inspector of Hospitals, Royal Artillery
who departed this life Aug. 29th 1862;
Æ. 78 y'rs 9 mo's.
John George
son of the above
died May 29th 1843;
Æ. 35 yrs.
Charlotte Margaret
daughter of the above
died September 10th 1849;
Æ 29 yrs.
William Durie K.H.
mentioned above
died June 14, 1871;
in his 93 year.
daughter of the above
died Oct. 22, 1887

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.