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Surnames on this stone
  Hoshel (1)
  Munshaw (3)

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East Face

Memory of
William Munshaw
who died Oct. 9, 1875
Æ 49 y's. 1 mo. 13 d's.

Watch for you know not the day nor
the time where in the Son of man cometh.

Friends nor physicians could not save
These mortal bodies from the grave
Nor can the grave confine them here
When Christ in judgement doth appear.

Sarah Ann Hoshel
wife of above
born Jan. 9, 1830, died Aug. 26, 1919

West Face

William Munshaw
Died Sept. 23, 1922
Aged 65 years


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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.