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Surnames on this stone
  Murphy (1)
  Newbery (4)

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East face


Oswald Edmund Newbery
died July 19th, 1908,
in his 29th year
I saw a new Heaven and a new earth
For the former things are passed away
Jennie Moncrieff Newbery
died Oct. 16, 1944
in her 74th year

West face


George Bartlett Newbery
born May 20, 1838,
died June 9, 1910.
At rest
Jane Moncrieff Murphy
wife of Geo. B. Newbery
died March 13th, 1914,
in her 76th year.
Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty.


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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.