Surnames on this stone |
MortleyTop of stone - open bookThy son is a lamp unto my feet and a light upon my path Psalm CXIX 105 South East faceIn loving memory of Mary Ann Mortley wife of John A. Mortley a native of Lincolnshire, England who died in Toronto, Ont. Oct. 18, 1900 aged 68 years 1 mo. 20 dys. "Death is swallowed up in victory" Corin. XV.54 "Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life: He that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and [believeth] in me shall never die, believest thou this." John XI, 25-26 North East faceErected by their sons on loving memory of John Atkinson Mortley a native of York County Ont. Canada who died in Toronto, Ont. Oct. 14, 1896 aged 63 years 3 mos. 4 dys. Mortley |
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