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Surnames on this stone
  Folliott (2)
  Stewart (1)

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East face

memory of
Mary Stewart
beloved wife of
Thomas Folliott
died Sept. 30, 1885
aged 69 y'rs.
8 mo's. & 9 d'ys
In the sure and constant
hope of a blessed ...
... through faith in
Jesus Christ

She was a tender mother here
And in her life the Lord did fear
We trust our loss will be her gain
And that with Christ she's gone to reign
G. Allen, Newmarket

South face

memory of
Thomas Folliott
Aug. 21, 1886;
aged 75 yrs
4 mos. & 6 days

Blessed are the dead
which died in the Lord
Rev 14:13

The winter of trouble is past
The storms of affliction are o'er
His struggles are ended at last
And sorrow and death are no more

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.