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Surnames on this stone
  Austing (1)
  James (1)
  Manning (6)

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South face


Frederick Scott Manning
June 7, 1860 -- Oct. 31. 1945
Mary Adeline James
wife of Frederick S. Manning
born Aug. 31. 1863 Died April. 22. 1924
Cecil James. son of
F. S. & A. Manning
born April. 4. 1901
died March. 6. 1923

North face

Kathleen Manning
1893 -- 1955
Evelyn Manning
1899 -- 1976
Norma Manning
died 1978
wife of
Stanley Austing
died 19--

J.O. Moss, Newmkt.

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This electronic finding aid to the cemeteries serving the population of Richmond Hill is provided courtesy of the Richmond Hill Public Library.