Table of Contents
- community organizations
- 1 Yonge Street Agricultural Society
- Yonge Street
- 1 bested the radial car for control of Yonge Street.
- 2 out Yonge Street. C.W. Jefferys, The Picture Gallery of Canadian
- 3 stagecoach traffic that rumbled along Yonge Street, opening hotel and tavern businesses to serve
- 4 Yonge Street has left its mark on the history of
- 5 too, announces its presence along this Yonge Street lifeline. Signs of growth are everywhere.
- 6 past and present remain strong. As Yonge Street rises in elevation south of Major
- 7 northeast corner of Lorne Avenue and Yonge Street.
- 8 automobile dealerships reminds us that Yonge Street brought the automobile as well as the
- 9 to commemorate the historic role of Yonge Street, the cairn
- 10 to the final decade of the twentieth, Yonge Street has been the spinal cord of Richmond
- 11 Line of Yonge Street, showing the various routes between Lake
- 12 had already decided on the name - Yonge Street, after Sir George Yonge, an
- 13 the Detroit River. A second road, named Yonge Street, would strike north from Toronto to the
- 14 Simcoe strengthened his case for a Yonge Street route by adding commercial factors to his
- 15 crossed to the west of the future Yonge Street around Bond Lake, then to the east side
- 16 Street after the secretary of state and Yonge Street after the secretary of war. Sir George
- 17 George Yonge left no children, so Yonge Street is his only legacy to the
- 18 Yonge Street project was soon underway. Between February
- 19 Equally important, "half the road on Yonge Street is allotted to settlers." By Christmas,
- 20 Berczy proved unable to finish his Yonge Street contract within the specified year. Equipment
- 21 contributed to the collapse of his Yonge Street project himself by flirting with a rival
- 22 who opened up the farmlands east of Yonge Street in the 1790s; two centuries later these lands
- 23 the end of May, Yonge Street had been "opened" - that is, a path twenty
- 24 those initial months of the Yonge Street project, Simcoe and his surveyors relied
- 25 Hill history as a builder of Yonge Street and a colonizer of adjacent Markham
- 26 Township and early builder of Yonge Street. John Andre, William Berczy, Co-Founder of
- 27 Berczy began work on the stretch of Yonge Street from the hill south of Thornhill north
- 28 53 near Bond's Lake. "The piece of Yonge Street from [Lot] 29 to River Holland which I have
- 29 Surveyor, who made the first survey of Yonge Street in 1794. Association of Ontario Land
- 30 the 1790s, in addition to his work on Yonge Street and Dundas Street, the energetic Jones
- 31 resumed his Yonge Street work on January 4, 1796. More than a surveyor
- 32 described it as a road or street, Yonge Street in the late 1790s was little more than a
- 33 "an Indian & a Canadian" travelled the Yonge Street route all the way from Georgian Bay to the
- 34 report consisted of a "list of settlers on Yonge Street, stating the improvements that have been
- 35 data for his report by going along Yonge Street and noting activity on the various lots on
- 36 up Yonge Street with Augustus Jones in the 1790s, then
- 37 we must leave Yonge Street - the spinal cord of the Europeans'
- 38 east or Markham Township side of Yonge Street than on the west or Vaughan Township
- 39 Works on the left or east side of Yonge Street. On November 19, 1896, between nine and ten
- 40 terminus on the northeast corner of Yonge Street and Lorne Avenue and Toronto's northern
- 41 paused for breath as it pushed north up Yonge Street - reaching Oak Ridges, Aurora, and
- 42 was located on the west side of Yonge Street, immediately north of Bond Crescent,
- 43 for they were now connected directly with Yonge Street. Village teenagers rode the line to high
- 44 T&Y purchased new radial cars, extended its Yonge Street line to Lake Simcoe in 1907, and converted
- 45 track was placed along the east side of Yonge Street, the side to the lee of drifting
- 46 on the Metropolitan line at Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. City of
- 47 moving work crews into place along Yonge Street - one crew at Richmond Hill, a
- 48 56 at the Richmond Hill station, Yonge Street and Lorne Avenue. The first week set
- 49 Street, along the east side of Yonge Street, from the Richmond Hill bakery
- 50 the short-distance passenger travel along Yonge Street.
- 51 and electric rail travel had benefited Yonge Street and the centre of Richmond Hill, the
- 52 along the Yonge Street line of the Metropolitan Railway
- 53 Mrs. E.E. (Gamble) Clarke, 12673 Yonge Street
- 54 dynamo house, smoke stack - 12485 Yonge Street
- 55 Michael Clarke's house, 12611 Yonge Street
- 56 12691 Yonge Street, a "cottage" built in 1936 by Robert
- 57 Toronto, our big green car glides north on Yonge Street, through the pleasant suburban villages of
- 58 promenade makes a nice approach from Yonge Street to the Pavilion, which is prettily
- 59 merrily up Yonge Street, the Metropolitan trolleys took dancers to
- 60 and overhead wires stretching up and down Yonge Street as far as the eye could see, the
- 61 four electric lights in its waiting room at Yonge Street and Lorne Avenue - the first electric
- 62 lights would be hung in the centre of Yonge Street, about six metres (twenty feet) above ground
- 63 business places and residences along Yonge Street, and many of the homes along the side streets.
- 64 passing under an evergreen arch at Yonge Street and Lorne
- 65 south on Yonge Street from the roof of the Methodist
- 66 north on Yonge Street from the roof of the Methodist
- 67 on the northeast corner of today's Yonge Street and Highway 7. City of Toronto
- 68 agricultural land, stretching from Yonge Street east to Bayview Avenue and north along
- 69 public school on the west side of Yonge Street in the core of the village - an ideal spot
- 70 behind the wheelbarrow. Let us walk along Yonge Street with Dorothy McKenzie Rumble as she
- 71 the south end of town, and takes us across Yonge Street.
- 72 National Railway tracks towards Yonge Street. The H.J. Mills greenhouses are top
- 73 M.L. McConaghy Public School on Yonge Street, the second Patterson School west of
- 74 Major Mackenzie Drive) west of Yonge Street in 1918. The Women's Institute
- 75 places of business, the banners across Yonge Street, the parades and bands and speeches and
- 76 turns off Yonge Street into the park during the 1923
- 77 the Orange "orphanage" north on Yonge Street. "The changes in this village and district,"
- 78 Mr. A. J. Hume's residence on Yonge Street, be kind enough to return them, after he is
- 79 carrying out the improvements to Yonge Street unearthed a bit of local history Tuesday when
- 80 highways department took a census of Yonge Street traffic. Each day from seven o'clock in the
- 81 the rubber-tired vehicle now owned Yonge Street. Daily traffic at Langstaff Corner
- 82 Yonge Street through Richmond Hill in 1927.
- 83 yet another wave of development along Yonge Street. Long strings of homes sitting on five-acre
- 84 approach from Yonge Street. Archives of Ontario Parking and picnicking.
- 85 automobile seriously started to take over Yonge Street. The summer of 1924 witnessed a daily average
- 86 was that Governor Simcoe's former Yonge Street stump trail passed from county to provincial
- 87 sold for $60,000. Radial runs on Yonge Street were cut in half and co-ordinated with new
- 88 plans to end radial service on Yonge Street. Richmond Hill and other communities along the
- 89 radial cars returned to the stretch of Yonge Street that ran from Richmond Hill south to
- 90 radial cars still ran along Yonge Street south of the village for another eighteen
- 91 High School at the southwest corner of Yonge and Wright streets became too small, and
- 92 strategic role in secondary education along Yonge Street. Half a century earlier, Richmond Hill
- 93 Loyal True Blue and Orange Home, Yonge Street North, opened in 1923. Roger Carlsen
- 94 Rustic Inn on the west side of Yonge Street at Nos. 24-28 South. The
- 95 Iroquoian sites on the west side of Yonge Street suggest "a single community moving through
- 96 located southwest of the intersection of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. It seems to
- 97 eighty hectares) at the southwest corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie
- 98 later attention on his uncle's property at Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. He moved on
- 99 Mississaugas over his right to run the Yonge Street survey through their lands. 33 That
- 100 at York and the few settlers along Yonge Street were especially apprehensive. 35 But the
- 101 his "Report on the Condition of Yonge Street." Jones himself was personally very close to
- 102 surveyor general for Upper Canada in 1794. "Yonge Street, I suppose, was the intended centre for this
- 103 as the first to put down roots along Yonge Street within the boundaries of modern Richmond
- 104 lots were taken up along both sides of Yonge Street through the heart of the future village of
- 105 north along the east side of Yonge Street, William Bond is identified as the owner of
- 106 Shaws and Bonds - all these original Yonge Street pioneers were granted lots at the pleasure of
- 107 Simcoe's Yonge Street plan excluded any Crown reserve or clergy
- 108 Johnson) These settlers had to meet certain "Yonge Street conditions" in return for their free grants
- 109 specified hours or even days of work on Yonge Street.
- 110 surveyor general David Smith of Yonge Street in 1799, "and fit for every purpose of
- 111 a few consignments for the fur trade along Yonge Street over the next ten years, the £12,000 never
- 112 of Vaughan Township's thirty-five Yonge Street lots were granted up to 1798, and by 1802 the
- 113 Upper Canada, finally trekking north up Yonge Street in the spring of 1794. They passed beyond the
- 114 the entire length of Yonge Street, from York to Newmarket, provincial
- 115 since no important streams intersected Yonge Street in the core area of the present town, no
- 116 of Vaughan and the first on Yonge Street." 1
- 117 at the southeast corner of present-day Yonge Street and Highway 7. But Balsar and
- 118 the end of June 1797, then travelled up Yonge Street to their land. At about the time
- 119 building that was later part of 10370 Yonge Street.
- 120 the northeast corner of today's Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive; four years
- 121 their cabin, located some distance east of Yonge Street on a pathway charitably described as a
- 122 we have walked from our own log house on Yonge Street, across rough-cut Langstaff Road to
- 123 European settlement was not confined to Yonge Street. By late 1794 present-day Bayview Avenue
- 124 the municipality stretching east from Yonge Street, and named for William Markham,
- 125 to spend working on the construction of Yonge Street. Many probably regretted leaving comfortable
- 126 from France who settled farther north along Yonge Street.
- 127 eventually returned home. Meanwhile, on Yonge Street, "their little clearings were soon overrun
- 128 on each of his four large farms on Yonge Street, cleared the requisite number of acres, and
- 129 up Crown land grants along both sides of Yonge Street from present-day Elgin Mills Road
- 130 Anglican Church, on the east side of Yonge Street just south of Stouffville Road, near
- 131 settlers farther south along Yonge Street, Bayview Avenue, and Leslie Street
- 132 That is why they were given lands along Yonge Street, equidistant from existing French-speaking
- 133 and help open up the northern part of Yonge Street. 15
- 134 Augustus Jones headed up Yonge Street to look over the properties. Meanwhile,
- 135 Miles) at the southwest corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive, as it
- 136 opened at the southeast corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. It quickly
- 137 for himself on the southwest corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. There he
- 138 of his land on the northwest corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive for a
- 139 a log settlement house on the west side of Yonge Street, just north of today's Presbyterian
- 140 to land he owned at the corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive. For
- 141 town, Miles decided to move to his Yonge Street properties in 1800 - Lot 45 in Markham
- 142 the North West Company to cart supplies up Yonge Street, had lured people away from the land. "There
- 143 General Brock was well aware of the Yonge Street farmers' "clamour to return and attend to
- 144 many of the American-born settlers along Yonge Street faced questions of loyalty and patriotism as
- 145 tools initially distributed to friendly Yonge Street settlers by the Americans after they had
- 146 Yonge Street farmers accused of pro-American sympathies
- 147 be made farther north. During the war, Yonge Street became a lifeline, though a precarious one,
- 148 North West Company started using the Yonge Street route over which it had dithered for so many
- 149 and Presbyterian preachers came up Yonge Street and held services from time to time -
- 150 Miles' property on the west side of Yonge Street, where the Presbyterian Church and its
- 151 hectares) of his land on the west side of Yonge Street to the church. Parts of this plot not used
- 152 By the mid-1820s, the community along Yonge Street between Major Mackenzie Drive and
- 153 Yonge Street was on his itinerary, and in mid-July he made
- 154 Certainly the Duke travelled along Yonge Street in July 1819, but whether he stopped at
- 155 by forty feet), located on the west side of Yonge Street a short distance south of the present
- 156 sisters-in-law who lived south along Yonge Street, "set out in [their] Gloucester boots and
- 157 Richard Gapper on Lot 40 East (Yonge Street and 16th Avenue). She ended up staying
- 158 1828, she recorded her first impression of Yonge Street south of the village centre: "You have now a
- 159 one to two thousand pounds on many parts of Yonge Street." 5 Along the road in the early 1830s, a
- 160 Twickenham Farm on the west side of Yonge Street just north of Richmond Hill.
- 161 two-hundred-acre (eighty-hectare) farm on Yonge Street next to the Smith property. Boyd was one
- 162 Jameson was equally effusive. Yonge Street, she observed, leads "through a well-settled
- 163 with the advance of civilization on Yonge Street." 13 Differences between these two groups
- 164 Richard Gapper on the east side of Yonge Street near today's 16th Avenue, later
- 165 York County farmers to march down Yonge Street and arrive in the
- 166 travelled up Yonge Street in mid-November to look for proof of support
- 167 the groups passed. The men coming down Yonge Street through Richmond Hill broke into smaller
- 168 they felt were needed in their Yonge Street district. With many friends among York's
- 169 pair represented the true wishes of the Yonge Street communities. Rather, she attributed their
- 170 Gapper O'Brien, chronicler of Yonge Street life in the late 1820s and early 1830s.
- 171 marching down Yonge Street to attack Toronto in December 1837.
- 172 rebel forces earlier that day. While out on Yonge Street to find out what was happening, he was
- 173 leaping fences, and succeeded in reaching Yonge Street to the south. He fell in with John
- 174 left Montgomery's and marched down Yonge Street towards Toronto. A truce party met them, and
- 175 were 1500 strong. They marched up Yonge Street to attack Mackenzie's force of some five to
- 176 Frances Moodie, Lot 49 East, on Yonge Street, a rallying point for Richmond Hill
- 177 plaque on the east side of Yonge Street, opposite Levendale. Photo by
- 178 fence and continue their progress south on Yonge Street. At the same time Francis Boyd arrived
- 179 Robert Moodie on his ride down Yonge Street in the evening of December 4, 1837. David
- 180 from the east side of Yonge Street and the back concessions of Markham
- 181 the west side of Yonge Street and the back concessions of Vaughan
- 182 So tense was the atmosphere on Yonge Street that most of those present at the funeral
- 183 two-storey log building on the west side of Yonge Street, between Centre and Richmond streets,
- 184 helped by the usual deplorable state of Yonge Street. "The road was in such bad condition," writes
- 185 Vaughan Township side of Yonge Street), from Aaron Munshaw to
- 186 military engineer, "the vaunted Yonge Street mud road" was little more than a "Slough of
- 187 the Anglicans built one on Yonge Street, south of the Presbyterians, in
- 188 sections formed by local ratepayers along Yonge Street both south and north of the village centre
- 189 activity along the stretch of Yonge Street, as well as new church and school buildings -
- 190 its houses and shops were strung out along Yonge Street, where Lots 46 and 47 had been subdivided on
- 191 fair, sponsored by the recently formed Yonge Street Agricultural Society and held on the
- 192 between two hotels on opposite sides of Yonge Street, while horse races were held along the road
- 193 church building on the east side of Yonge Street, about a block north of the
- 194 was a gentleman farmer who lived on Yonge Street north of Richmond Hill village. A
- 195 and hotels that had sprung up along Yonge Street from Toronto north to Holland Landing.
- 196 was located on the east side of Yonge Street, south of the Trench Carriage
- 197 and Raymond on the west side of Yonge Street, Vanderburgh on the east side, Gordon at
- 198 hotels saw their business boom. But the Yonge Street coach business itself proved extremely
- 199 Yonge Street to the south, Barnabas
- 200 grew and commerce increased along Yonge Street, larger frame structures like
- 201 construction crews worked on improving Yonge Street north from Carrville
- 202 day's journey by way of Yonge Street was easily accomplished by stage - an old
- 203 Langstaff Toll-gate, today's Yonge Street and Highway 7 intersection. For many
- 204 government once more assumed control of Yonge Street, Dundas Street, and Kingston Road. Finally, in
- 205 before that, however, Yonge Street had been eclipsed by the new transportation
- 206 Yonge Street had long been recognized as a vital
- 207 and Napanee, won the contract for the Yonge Street section of the project. For a sum of £1,188,
- 208 trustees continued work on Yonge Street, financing the project on money borrowed
- 209 Yonge Street presented special problems, with its
- 210 1845, government funding for Yonge Street work was exhausted, and all construction and
- 211 the debt in thirty years. By 1846, however, Yonge Street tolls of £954 for the year were insufficient
- 212 government announced in late 1849 that Yonge Street, together with Dundas Street and Kingston
- 213 resumed on Yonge Street during the early 1850s, to the delight of
- 214 for home, reached the corner of King and Yonge Streetsat exactly 1 P.M. & walked to Finch's in 2
- 215 bypassing the village and disrupting the Yonge Street stagecoach business. Farquharson On May 16,
- 216 drew passenger and freight service off Yonge Street and put the Toronto-to- Holland Landing
- 217 was finally put out of business when Yonge Street's interurban electric railway reached
- 218 Richmond Hill, challenged Yonge Street's monopoly on north-south trade, dealt a severe
- 219 horses or drove their carriages west from Yonge Street along Vaughan Sideroad. Two hours after
- 220 old water route through Lake Erie and the Yonge Street wagon
- 221 kilometres (about four miles) west of Yonge Street to avoid the steep slopes of Gallows Hill and
- 222 tap the rich commerce that had poured down Yonge Street from Bradford for the past half-century.
- 223 because of the continuing importance of Yonge Street as a transportation route. But equally
- 224 on a wooden sidewalk that stretched from Yonge Street along Vaughan Sideroad (Major Mackenzie
- 225 where Highway 7 today intersects Yonge Street, stood Langstaff, or Langstaff
- 226 the site of Toll Gate No. 3 on the Yonge Street highway, Langstaff Corners by
- 227 on the northeast corner of what are today Yonge Street and Highway 7 was purchased by the City
- 228 Elgin Mills Road today intersects Yonge Street, was Elgin Mills. So close to
- 229 Located on the sideroad west of Yonge Street behind the blacksmith shop on the
- 230 farm stood on the west side of Yonge Street north of Elgin Mills. From 1836 to 1843
- 231 John's Anglican Church, Jefferson. Yonge Street north of Elgin Mills supported a number
- 232 Martin Macleod, west of Yonge Street and north of Jefferson
- 233 prosperity to mill sites rather than Yonge Street travellers. Here, along a headwater tributary
- 234 was on the west, or Vaughan, side of Yonge Street, with a significant "arm" extending into
- 235 further complicated by the fact that Yonge Street divided it into two parts. Everything east of
- 236 residents from the west side of Yonge Street. David Bridgeford served on Vaughan
- 237 half of the township rather than on the Yonge Street strip along its far western
- 238 helped pull together the two sides of Yonge Street. Hotels, stores, and churches naturally
- 239 (today's 10117, 10119 and 10123 Yonge Street), Trench employed some fifteen men,
- 240 candidates represented a combination of Yonge Street business interests and agricultural concerns
- 241 or "plank" walkways two metres wide along Yonge Street and one metre wide on side streets. Opening
- 242 and hardware store on the east side of Yonge Street. The blaze spread quickly to Crosby's dry
- 243 as the Public School) on the west side of Yonge Street, and "for a time seriously threatened the
- 244 Church, circa 1900, looking north up Yonge Street, with the spire of the Methodist
- 245 Bond Lake Hotel. But where once the Yonge Street traveller stopped at one of the town's many
- 246 over the Robin Hood Hotel, on Yonge Street towards the south end of the village, and was
- 247 Farther north, on the right side of Yonge Street, the Richmond Hill Methodist Church and
- 248 one-fifth of a hectare) at the corner of Yonge Street and Centre Street East for a new
- 249 people have commenced promenading. Yonge Street with its fine stretch of sidewalks affords
- 250 Hill seemed poised to follow other Yonge Street communities into general economic decline.
- 251 Carriage Works on the east side of Yonge Street and the Newton Tanning Company of
- 252 were highlighted by a grand parade along Yonge Street, led by a loud and enthusiastic brass band.
- 253 agricultural implements along Yonge Street on May 24, 1884 - a time when prospects
- 254 four attached houses on the east side of Yonge Street at the south end of the village. She and
- 255 1895. The house was built in 1849, facing Yonge Street; in the twentieth century it was moved to
- 256 his stately home on the west side of Yonge Street just north of the village core,
- 257 Saturday night to look up and down Yonge Street and notice the decided improvement the
- 258 Central Guaranty Trust Office at 10132 Yonge Street), council resumed its regular routine of
- 259 same year it purchased land east of Yonge Street for a new public park, later
- 260 Yonge Street By
- 261 Tracks Block Yonge Street Construction
- 262 Yonge Street Pioneers
- 263 Simcoe: The Man Who Planned Yonge Street
- 264 Yonge Street Settlers
- 265 Moodie Rides Down Yonge Street
- 266 on Carrville Road, west of Yonge Street, built in
- 267 Yonge Street's Namesake: Sir George
- 268 on a Map: Yonge Street Lots Assigned to French Royalists in
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